How To Play A Major Chord On The Guitar

Learn how to play A Major Chord properly on the Guitar in this easy step-by-step lesson.

A Major Chord Chart Guitar

A Major Chord Diagram

How To Play A Major On Guitar

A Major Chord is a 5 String Chord. To Play A Major Chord:

  1. Place Your Middle Finger on Second Fret, Fourth String.
  2. Place Your Ring Finger on Second Fret, Third String.
  3. Place Your Pinky Finger on Second Fret, Second String.
  4. First and Fifth Strings are Played Open.
  5. Sixth String is Not Played.

How To Play A Major Chord Properly

The most common issue while playing an A Major chord is fret buzz. To remove fret buzz, make sure you are pressing the frets with adequate pressure and your fingers are fretted properly. Make sure your fingers do not touch open strings.

Notes In an A Major Chord

Notes played in an A Major Chord are A, E and C#

Root Note A is played on strings 5th and 3rd. C# note is played on the 2nd string and is the IIIrd of the A major scale. E note is played on the 4th and 1st strings of the guitar and is Vth of the A Major Scale.

Notes In an A Major Chord

A Major Chord Formula

A Major chord formula is I-III-V. The Major Chord is also referred to as the 1-3-5 Major Triad. Notes played in an A Major Chord are A, E and C#

To play an A Major chord, the Root, Major Third Interval and Perfect Fifth Interval of an A Major Scale are Played Together.



A Major Chord Formula and A Major Scale


A Major Chord On A Piano

To play an A Major Triad chord on a piano, play A-C#-E notes

A Major Chord Triad On Piano

A Major Chord On Stave

A Major Guitar Chord On Music Staff

A Major Chord Guitar Tabs

A Major Chord Guitar Tab