How To Play An Amin7 Chord On Guitar
Learn how to play A Minor 7 chord properly on the guitar in this easy lesson. A Minor 7 Chord is also referred as Amin7 or Am7.
Amin7 or Am7 Chord Diagram

How To Play Amin7 Chord On Guitar
Amin7 is a 5 strings chord. To play Amin7 chord:
- Place your Index Finger on First Fret, Second String.
- Place your Middle Finger on Second Fret, Fourth String.
- First, Third and Fifth Strings are played open.
- Sixth String is not played.
Notes In Amin7 Chord
Notes played in Am7 Chord are A-C#-E-G.
Root Note A is played on the 5th string of the guitar.
C# note is played on the 2nd string and is the Major Third Interval of the A major scale.
E note is played on 4th string of the guitar and is the Perfect Fifth Interval of the A Major Scale.
G note is played on 3rd string of the guitar and is the 7 Interval of the A Major Scale.

Amin7 Chord Formula
Minor 7 chords formulae is 1-b3-5-b7.
To make a Minor 7 chords, start out with the Root, Minor Third Interval, Perfect Fifth Interval of a Major Scale. To this triad, also the Minor 7th Interval of the Major Scale.
Accordingly, notes played in Amin7 or Am7 Chord are A-C-E-G.
To learn about Intervals and Music Theory, checkout this lesson.

Amin7 Chord On A Piano

Amin7 Chord On Stave

Amin7 Chord Guitar Tabs